Aloha Friday Photo: Caldera Sky Edition


Today’s Aloha Friday photo comes to us from Chuck Wendig, a novelist, a screenwriter, and a “freelance penmonkey” from the great state of “Pennsyltucky” (e.g., Pennsylvania). As you can tell from the above photo, in addition to his writing talents, Chuck is a darn good photographer as well.

Chuck took this photo from the crater floor of Kilauea Iki in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. There’s so much to appreciate about this photo. The sky is alive. You can almost feel the texture of the lava floor. You can appreciate the vast size of this volcanic crater. You can enjoy this scene too by taking one of my favorite Hawaii hikes on the Kilauea Iki Trail.

Check out more of Chuck’s photos from his visit to Hawaii here. His compositions are very unique and creative.

Mahalo to Chuck for sharing his photo with us on this Aloha Friday!

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