Guess the Hawaiian Islands

Here’s something to exercise your brain on the day after Christmas.  Take a look at this photo and guess which island I’m standing on and which island is off in the distance.  Please leave your guesses in the comments just for fun.

  1. Hi Sheila,

    My guess is you’re on Lanai, looking at Maui. I think I can just see the shipwreck at shipwreck beach along Lanai’s shore.


  2. Hi Sheila,

    After further review and with thanks to Chris for his map, I’m changing my guess to you’re on Lanai looking at Moloka’i.


  3. I should know this stuff better! – Wild Guess… Judging from the altitude and hair-pin turn on the winding road… I would guess that you are on the side of the Haleakala Volcano in Maui looking at the island of Lanai.

  4. I can see the shipwreck of the Navy freighter in the left side of the photo, but I am not sure about the 180 turn road on Lanai where you stood to take the picture…

    I matched the island in the distance by matching the deep valley on Maui with the one on google earth.

    If you think this is difficult, imagine how the mayor of Maui felt when some NASA astronauts presented him a photo of Maui from space. He nor the astronauts didn’t recognize the fact that the photo was actually a photo of Tahiti (which has a similar shape) until much later. He had it hanging in his office until someone finally noticed it was Tahiti. :O)

  5. Great guesses, everyone! I can tell that lots of thought went into each guess.

    And the answer is…… I was on Lanai taking a photo of Molokai. Maui is nearby, but out of view and to the right. So, I think Chris and David got the answer correct.

    Chris – that’s a funny story about the photo of Maui/Tahiti from space!

    Thanks, everyone, for your guesses!

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