Take me there Tuesday: Haneoo Road, Hana, Maui

For our Take me there Tuesday posts, we usually try to highlight interesting places that might be a bit off the beaten path. Today’s post does just that as we feature Haneoo Road. As folks explore the road to Hana, they could easily pass by this little gem of a road. Though Haneoo Road is probably less than two-miles long, it’s got three fantastic places to see.

Koki Beach Park 

Koki Beach Park is very scenic with views of the Hana coast, but what makes it even more interesting is its red sand.

Koki Beach off Haneoo Road near Hana

Folks ooh and aah over “the red sand beach” in Hana, Kaihalulu Beach, but Koki is just as pretty to see and it doesn’t require a dangerous hike. Check out our article, Seeing Maui’s Red Sand Beach in Hana (or easier alternatives)  

We have heard that swimming can be tricky here, so we wouldn’t advise swimming. The scenery alone is worth the stop.

View of Alau Island

Alau Island is located approximately 500 yards off the Hana coast. The steep and rugged shape with the coconut trees on make it an interesting place to see.

Alau Island

Hamoa Beach Park

The small, crescent-shaped Hamoa Beach so very picturesque. The sand of this beach is unique in that it’s mostly a light-colored sand with streaks of charcoal gray.

Hamoa Beach is also off Haneoo Road past Hana town.

Note that we have previously featured Hamoa Beach for Take Me There Tuesday.

Again, swimming can be dangerous here depending on swells and currents. In general, we would not advise swimming here. The beauty of the beach is enough to make you want to pause here.

Taking in the unique views off Haneoo Road is a brief diversion off the famous road to Hana drive. See our article for advice for the road to Hana.

As you’re driving beyond the small town of Hana and towards the Kipahulu area of Haleakala National Park, Haneoo Road is the first road on the left. You can use this link to create directions.

Have you enjoyed the scenery off Haneoo Road?

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