A Postcard from Oahu

Dear Readers,

I’m having a great time.  Wish you were here! 🙂

I feel so blessed to be able to write this postcard to you from the lanai (balcony) of my wonderful hotel room at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and Spa.  As I sit here, to my left I see the surfers catch the morning waves. To my right, I see the sun casting a luminous glow on the green rugged mountains.  Waikiki Beach is waking up for another lively day in paradise.

Since we arrived on Saturday, we’ve hardly stopped to catch our breath, but we’re having a blast and falling in love with Oahu over and over again.  On Sunday, we hiked about four miles with a combined elevation change of 1000 feet. Yesterday, we kayaked in Kailua.  So, now we have a matching set of sore shoulders and legs. 🙂 When I get back home, I’ll share more details of everything.

We’ve been doing lots of sight seeing, too.  All along the way, I’ve been taking pages of notes for future blog posts to share as many tips as I can to help make your Hawaii vacation go as smoothly as possible and to get the most out of it. 

I’ll try to post a photo each day while we’re here.  In the meantime, please enjoy this postcard view from Kailua Beach




  1. Welcome Back! – Nice Picture! – I love the sand over in Kailua. Its super soft… almost like powder.

  2. AWWW !!! I so wish I could be there too !!!!!!!!
    The pic is wonderful !! and I am so happy that you are enjoying your vacation !!!

    Have you seen whales ??

    CIAO , laura

  3. wow,
    The shoreline seems to be shrinking?? Ive been to that exact spot maybe 10 times and I’ve never seen the beach so narrow!

  4. @ Dave – thanks for the welcome…I’m back in unseasonable cold NC now. *sigh*

    @ Stefan – I really did enjoy the trip! Thanks for your kind wishes!

    @ Laura – I didn’t see any whales this time around. I was hoping, though. 🙂

    @ Eric – I think I may have taken this photo at the narrowest point on the beach. I do believe the coastline is shrinking, though. That’s why we need to get out there and see it now. 🙂

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