Snow in Hawaii just in time for Christmas

A beautiful blanket of snow covered the two tallest volcanic peaks of the island of Hawaii this week. Mauna Kea summit (13,803 feet above sea level) and Mauna Loa (13,679 feet above sea level) are snow capped just in time for Christmas.15625619_1182084301877017_7570090874736970117_o

The above photo was taken by the very talented Hawaii Island photographer James Grenz at sunrise on December 19. The sun seems to be magically illuminating the snow atop Mauna Kea. Isn’t it an incredible contrast to see the palm trees in the foreground with snow in the distance?!

Though the Hawaii Island beaches have been enjoying balmy 85° F days, the sun’s rays are quite warm enough to melt the summit snows. You can take a peek at the webcams for Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa to see the snow in realtime.

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