Aloha Friday Photo: Cloudy with a chance of waterfalls


Mahalo to Terry Ambrose for sharing this intriguing and beautiful Hawaii photo with us. Terry took this shot during his recent trip to Maui. Here’s how he describes this waterfall scene:

The road to Maui’s Iao Valley was closed at Heritage Park due to heavy runoff caused by the previous night’s rain. This waterfall came and went as the clouds moved through.

That must have been really amazing to watch the misty clouds roll into the valley to create this fleeting waterfall!

Do you have a photo from your Hawaii travels that you’d like to share? We’d love to see it. Submitting your photo is quick and easy as we describe at this link.

Happy Aloha Friday!

  1. Oh, my gosh, was I surprised when I received the email this morning with my photo. A big mahalo to you, Sheila, for selecting this one! And, yes, Heritage Park was an incredible experience. It was one of those days when you could feel the Maui magic.

    1. We’re so happy that you shared this photo/moment with us. Many mahalos!

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