24-hour Time Lapse Video of Air Traffic Around the World

Flight map
DFW to HNL Flight Map

Here’s a fascinating video showing air traffic around the world for 24 hours, but condensed down to just over a minute.

The yellow dots zipping around the video are simulating airplanes in-flight during a 24 hour period. As you view the video, you’ll notice the light of the day moving from the east to the west, as the earth spins on its axis.

As a Hawaii-nerd, I find it interesting to watch those yellow dots flying to and from Hawaii — islands that are just little specks out on the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Oh, how cool would it be to be on one of those flights right now?!

(Email subscribers: please click here to access this video.)

1 comment
  1. interesting! Yes, would love to be on one of those flights going to Hawaii right now!

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