March Madness Monday Music Giveaway – March 14

image Let’s continue our music giveaway fun. Today’s giveaway is this Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Masters Volume 1. It’s an instrumental CD that will certainly lift your spirits and calm your nerves with a Hawaiian flair.

I chose a slack key guitar CD because it’s a sound that was invented in Hawaii. It’s very distinctive sound practically transports you to Hawaii as soon as you hear the first cord.

Listening to slack key guitar in Hawaii is one of my favorite sounds. (My very favorite Hawaiian sound is the sound of the tradewinds blowing through the palm trees.)  I’d like to know what’s your favorite sound in Hawaii. So, for a chance at winning this week’s CD, please comment with your favorite sound of Hawaii. For a chance at winning this CD, please enter your comment either here on this blog post or on this facebook post by the end of the day Wednesday, March 16, 2011.

  1. Thank you for this news from the big island…Can you publish Tsunami related news from the other island we hear NOTHING….Thanks in advance…

    1. Bill — there’s really not much news from the other islands to report. Here are a few tidbits:

      – Maalaea Harbor on Maui was damaged.
      – There’s some clean up on Maui beaches.
      – The dock on Lanai’s Manele Harbor was damaged, but there’s a temporary dock and the ferry service from Lahaina is on schedule.

  2. Aloha! I would love to win this CD for a friend who shares a love of everything Hawaiian with me. Her husband is a mean slack key guitarist and loves to jam with locals when they go on their annual Hawaiian vacation. BTW, I LOVE getting your daily emails. They are a moment of sunshine and warmth during these coooooold winter days up here in Canada. Only 6 weeks and I will be back in my little grass shack.

  3. The best sound in Hawaii is waking up to the ukulele music and singing at the Waikiki Beach Hotel (Aston) then listening to the performance poolside, whilst eating a tropcal breakfast. After those two magical weeks, every time I hear the sound of a ukulele, I am immediately transported in my imagination back to Waikiki. Superb.

  4. As soon as you said favorite sound, there was no question in my mind! It’s the sound of the bamboo plants clacking together in the Bamboo Forest along the Pipiwai trail in Haleakala National Park near Hana, Maui. It’s a haunting yet beautiful sound. I recorded a few short movies. We were there in September and hardly anyone was around on the trail.

    1. Congratulations, Randy. You’re our randomly selected winner. I’ll be in touch to get your mailing address.

  5. My favorite sound on the islands is the “music” the Zebra Dove makes. Such a sweet haunting call… Anytime I hear a recording of it I am immediately transported back to Kaua’i.

  6. There are so many wonderful sounds, but I’m going to mention one that wasn’t wonderful but certainly unforgettable. I’d heard about it before my trip to Maui last year, and nothing can prepare you for the beyond deafening sound of the hundreds of mynah birds roosting in the banyan tree on Front St. in Lahaina. If you’ve not experienced it it’s a must.

  7. My favorite would be the crashing waves, especially during a storm. I worked on Kauai after Iniki and love the sounds of the surf. Looking forward to finally returning in October for a very long overdue visit.

  8. I guess one of my favorite sounds in Hawaii would be the waterfalls along the Hana Road, the cool splashing refreshes the ear, and the adventurous swimmer. I went during the dryer season, but even the few waterfalls we got to see were a treat to my ears. I also want to mention the tsunami alert siren, which I was able to hear during one of their scheduled monthly tests. I’m sooooo glad it was only a test when I heard it, although we probably would’ve been fairly safe since we were on the Hana Road at the time, except perhaps the 45 minutes we were at the Ke’anae Peninsula or the Black Sand beach in Hana.

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