A Cloudy Blanket at a Haleakala Sunrise

Haleakala at sunrise

Last week, I published an interview with my parents about their impressions of their first visit to Hawaii. When asked about highlights from the trip, my dad mentioned that he enjoyed watching sunrise at the summit of Haleakala. More specifically, he mentioned how beautiful the sunrise looked with the clouds lightly spilling over into the crater. I wanted to share this photo illustrating what my dad described. Even though the morning was cloudy, the sunrise was still spectacular.

  1. Oh my gosh! What an amazing picture. You really are in the sweet spot between two cloud formations. What a great way to start the day.

    I still get disoriented with time zone issues. Is it harder or easier to make the sunrise trip if you still have jet-lag

    1. It’s definitely easier. We try to visit Haleakala on our first morning, cos we’re usually wide awake anyway. 😉

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