Hawaii Fact 37 of 50: Molokai has the world’s tallest sea cliffs


When we think about Hawaii we generally envision golden sand beaches reaching into the Pacific Ocean. Usually sea cliffs don’t immediately come to mind, but Hawaii is blessed with some stunning sea cliffs on each of the major islands, but Molokai’s sea cliffs are the tallest and most dramatic of them all. These velvety green cliffs along the  North Coast of Molokai stand at just over 3,000 feet. They are arguably the tallest sea cliffs in the world.

Whether they’re the tallest in the world or not, there’s no denying that they’re absolutely stunning. The following video gives you a taste of their beauty.

Here are some suggestions for how you can see Molokai’s amazingly tall cliffs:

  • You can catch a glimpse of Molokai’s sea cliffs from Palaau State Park. That view is shown in the above photo.
  • You can visit the Kalaupapa National Historic Park by plane, hike or by mule ride. From there, you can see the cliffs from sea level and admire how high they soar.
  • You can take a helicopter tour from Maui.
  • You can take a flight from Maui to Oahu.

We provide more details here — how to see the cliffs of Molokai with newer photos.

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