Take me there Tuesday: Pu’upehe (Sweetheart Rock)

Pu’upehe, Sweetheart Rock

The most iconic view of the island of Lana’i is of Pu’upehe, which is also known as Sweetheart Rock. It’s an amazing place that always sparks wonder.

Panoramic view at Pu’upehe

To see Pu’upehe, you only need to hike about  10 to 15 minutes from beautiful Hulopoe Beach. It’s an easy walk, but the ground is a bit uneven so sneakers or other walking/hiking shoes are recommended.

If you are staying at the Four Seasons Resort Lana’i, both Hulopoe and Pu’upehe are so close. If you’re on Maui, you can also easily visit this site. Your options are by ferry or by snorkel day trip, which both dock at nearby Manele Bay.

View of Pu’upehe as you arrive to Manele Bay

We like to go to Sweetheart Rock just before sunset when the sun illuminates the red rock. It’s also a wonderful time and place for a sunset picnic.

Have you seen Pu’upehe? What did you think of it?

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