Honoring Memorial Day

Oahu-Hawaii-Feb-2009 141

As today is Memorial Day in the US, I thought it would be appropriate to share this view of the somber wall of names in the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. Along with the names inscribed in the wall, thereโ€™s a message that reads, โ€œTo the memory of the gallant men here entombed and their shipmates who gave their lives in action on December 7, 1941 on the U.S.S. Arizona.โ€ I am grateful for their service and the least that I can do is remember their efforts.

  1. Beautiful thoughts as always. ๐Ÿ™‚ Did you guys ever make it to Punchbowl? Didn’t I see something abut that or did I just imagine it?

    1. Hi Evelyn, Just now finding that I hadn’t responded to your comment. Shesh, it’s ONLY 6 months later.

      Yes we have gone to Punchbowl. What an incredible place!

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