How to Pack a Surfboard for Traveling

If you live to surf and are aiming to test your skills on Hawaii’s wicked waves, you may want to bring your trusty surfboard with you. But, how do you pack your surfboard so that it arrives in Hawaii in all one piece?  Neal from Surfboard Shack has written an excellent step by step guide to packing and shipping surfboards that will keep your board safe and secure for traveling.

Neal not only describes all the steps for securely packing your surfboard, he also documents the steps with excellent photos. He  starts with describing all the necessary packing supplies:

Surfboard box
Packing tape
Plastic bagging
Packing foam (sheets)
Bubble wrap (optional)
Utility knife

Then he documents how to use all the materials and go from this:


To this:


To a well packed surfboard box, complete with carrying handle


Neal flew with his surfboards to the US Mainland on Hawaiian Airlines. Of course, extra baggage fees apply and Neal was charged $100 for his two surfboards. The packing supplies cost another $40. Be sure and check out Neal’s complete surfboard packing guide.

  1. My husband uses padded board bags (we travel with boards a few times per year, so it was worth it to us to buy some), and we wrap them with beach towels – useful and less waste, though you could use clothes too. We’ve never really had a problem. The nice thing is that at least on the Hawaiian end of baggage handling, they usually respect the boards 😉

  2. Recently read a review from a friend on Maui who picked up surfboard bags from Soma. They travel inter-isle and to California and Bali, and these new bags are partially inflatable.

    And I always thought travelling with hockey sticks was a challenge. 🙂

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