Hawaii Vacation News Roundup for May 5th

There’s lots of news on this Cinco de Mayo, so let’s dive in.

  • The Maui Prince Resort has completed a multi-million dollar renovation.  I love staying at newly renovated hotels while everything seems so clean and fresh.  Here’s a link to their specials
  • The Hilton Hawaiian Village on Waikiki Beach is a top 10 family beach vacation resort according to the May issue of Parents Magazine.
  • There’s a new memorial in south Maui honoring the 4th Marine Division of World War II.  Here’s the Star Bulletin story on the dedication ceremony held this weekend.  If you are going to be on Maui for Memorial Day, maybe that could be something meaningful that you could visit to observe the day. 
  • The ninth chapter of the Carnival of Aloha is up.  It’s always interesting to see what other Hawaii bloggers have to share.
  • Many thanks to all the folks who added a comment last week. I so appreciate all your kindness!  Lissette was randomly selected as the winner of the waterproof case.  When I contacted her to tell her she won, she told me she’s never won anything before.  Maybe this will start her on a winning streak.  I bet she’s planning a trip to Vegas right now. 🙂
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